Week 9 Readings

  • This week’s readings both left me quite frustrated but for very different reasons.
  • I really struggled to grasp the reading by Alexander Galloway, as it was quite dense and hard to comprehend so I’m definitely looking forward to get to class to possibly obtain a better understanding of the text.
  • On the other hand, the Potts and Murphie’s reading which discussed the ever changing definitions of the words technology and culture, perfectly encapsulated the frustrating task of trying to assign one broad meaning which covers all aspects of these words.
  • I especially love the quote they included from Brian Eno, “… we have to eat, but we do not have to have ‘cuisines’, Big Macs or Tournedos Rossini. We have to cover ourselves against the weather, but we do not have to be so concerned as we are about whether we put on Levi’s or Yves Saint-Laurent. We have to move about the face of the globe, but we do not have to dance. These other things, we choose to do. We could survive if we chose not to… “, as I really felt it described what culture means for me.

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