For my final initiative post I decided I would express to you guys my plans for the future as I wanted to project some small level of actual initiative in this post, so I have decided during the semester break I will create a small podcast sort of thing focusing on audio and exploiting and experimenting the form and to see what I was capable of doing, with it hopefully being entertaining enough to be able to show to others.

So I wanted this project to focus on trying to trick and confuse the audience constantly through the podcast which hopefully keeps them on their toes throughout and I was looking at a lot of ASMR and binaural recordings for inspiration. Most of these recordings were done either in a virtual reality style performance or to freak people out and I would love to experiment with different ways of using this way of recording to challenge the audience and make them constantly question what it is they were hearing, and play with their assumptions on what they are hearing and where they are placed within the world of the recording.

I’m really looking forward to starting this little project which should hopefully keep me focused and not lose my mind from not doing enough throughout the break. Fingers crossed!


“What do you think Jesus would twitter, ‘Let he who is without sin cast the first stone’ or ‘Has anyone seen Judas? He was here a minute ago.'” – Chris Cornell RIP.