One ‘Saved By The Bell’ Storyline That Proves That Zack Morris is a Psychopath.

My favourite website is It’s sarcastic, satirical, humorous and informative. It has hilarious pop culture references and the lists they make are nothing short but fascinating and entertaining. One I read recently, 7 Saved By The Bell Storylines That Prove That Zack Morris Is A Sociopath had me in stitches. I love that show and never realised how psychopathic, selfish and horrible Zack Morris really is. The writing style is so funny and sarcastic, which I feel (to a smaller degree) my own writing style which is why I thought I’d include my favourite from the list.

#5. “Girls of Bayside” Calendar

Model Students” starts by revealing that the school store is run by The Nerds. But, as we learned during prom, Kelly is poor, so she has to work there. Zack takes over the school store, because everyone listens to him no matter what he wants, The Nerds only sell stupid stuff, and Zack can do way better through manipulation and trickery.

The “Jobs method.”

At the start, no one comes into the school store. Zack’s solution? Take “secret” pictures of the girls at swim practice. Does he take the pictures? Of course not. He sends Screech to take them and then has cardboard cutouts made of Lisa, Kelly, and Jessie and turns the pictures into a “Girls of Bayside” calendar.

Apparently each swim practice starts with “warmup Baywatching.

So he took photos of teenage girls (his friends and girlfriend) without their permission, blew them up, and sold them for a profit. But because he’s Zack, instead of the cops, a “teen fashion” photographer sees the calendar and loves it. So Jessie, Lisa, and Kelly, who were all upset about the calendars, are immediately wooed by the photographer and then beg Zack to suggest them for a special photo shoot in Paris. (It even results in Jessie calling him “Zacky,” which is horrifying on many, many levels.)

It’s like a pseudo-Showgirls prequel.

Of course hottie Kelly is picked as the teen model to go to France. But, I’m sorry, what’s that? Zack is concerned about her going to Paris for a month? Of course he is.

So he scams and lies and manipulates everyone to get Kelly to stay. He makes Kelly feel guilty about missing the swim meet and not being Slater’s science lab partner, and then when Kelly invites everyone to her shoot, Zack says she didn’t invite them so that they’ll hate her.

“Then she started totally started throwing out racial slurs about Slater and Lisa. Sorry, guys.”

To recap, Zack takes his girlfriend’s picture without her permission, publishes the pictures for the whole school, and then sabotages her chance at actually being successful. And he evens owns up to it, and Kelly’s just like, aww, I still love you.

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