Class #5

This weeks class made me feel reasonably confident in my ability, progress and achievements in networked media so far. Firstly, a class discussion about the readings was insightful and interesting and I felt myself connecting to and understanding the concepts and ideas brought up my other students. It’s always interesting to see different perspectives on a text.
I didn’t realise we had two weeks to do our Niki assignment, so my group with Courtney and Emerald smashed it out of the park in time for class today, as seen here:
I really began to love the kooky and bizarre Susan Blackmore and l her amazing theories about memes, religion, aliens etc. I think she’s bloody fascinating. So I don’t have to do any niki work this week yay!
Lastly, we got reminded that the essay/blog submission is due next Friday. I feel confident in some of my posts that they’re probably submission-ready. And I’m such a rambler anyway so the essay will be a breeze. Hopefully…

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