Class 2

The fact that this class involved a lot of discussion was quite alright with me seeing as this class is one that definitely relies on open communication about ideas, theories, thoughts and opinions.

The entire media industry is one based on making and keeping connections with people, therefore this class encouraged us to branch out and discuss our progress so far.

I learned a lot by sharing ideas with my classmates, such as Miguel’s interesting experiences on public transport which prompted me to start blogging about random thoughts and experiences I have throughout the day, and Anna’s very interesting and thought-provoking opinions on blogging which I definitely could relate to.

Eliot ran us through what we want our blogs to be; entertaining, appealing outside of the course, topical, evidentially backed up with depth of thought and quality of writing.

This class was great in my progress on the Networking Media path as I was part of open discussions about ideas that have helped me in my blogging and considering of this course!

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