What will we be nostalgic about from the 00’s?

Through my endless stalking across the vast World Wide Web, I found a number of blogs I found really interesting. My favourites were the personal blogs that wrote about matters, events or concepts not with facts and figures, not based on interviews with experts, not to conform to a certain ideological view but simply for the sake of writing their thoughts and opinions down.

One blog I found, entitled Beautiful Absurdity is an opinion blog ran by a journalist named Shan Jaff from Germany. This post was one that particularly sparked my interest and started many conversations this week.


What Will We Be Nostalgic About From The 00’s? is the post, definitely worth a read.


I also miss the days of MSN, where your screen name and the song you were currently listening to had to be perfect in order to get the attention of the boy who sometimes sat behind you in Music class. Or the use of emoticons that crucially summed up your social standing with someone. And the days where you couldn’t be on the phone and internet at the same time… (okay I don’t particular miss them, but it’s pretty weird thinking about it). Flip phones were so totally cool, although we only ever used them to play Snake and call mum to pick us up from school.

Now the whole ’90’s kid pride thing has always made me cringe, especially because I experienced the 90’s from ages zero to six, where I was pretty much incapable of soaking up the retro culture seeing as I couldn’t even tie my shoes, but my childhood Golden Years were spent in the Noughties (if that’s really what we’ve decided to call that decade…) so I give myself to be lame, nostalgic and proud all at the same time. They were the years of bad pop music, rapid technological advancements one Walkman and Gameboy at a time, the very origins of Social Networking (because you were a nobody if you didn’t have a cool Myspace), renting DVDs and secretly downloading mp3’s off Limewire. They make me think of my socially awkward childhood years and how excited we were by these technologies which are now considered redundant, ancient and trivial.

That begs the question, will the iPhone be redundant and trivial in a few years? It’s hard to imagine that being so as it feels like the be all and end all of human technology, but that’s what we all thought about the wheel at one point too.

One thought on “What will we be nostalgic about from the 00’s?

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