I was absent for Monday’s pitch but as we didn’t have a truly cohesive concept to pitch my group members told me feedback was minimal. I had alerted my group to my absence through the discord, and after the group explained the changes they had made with the feedback we set out with the agreement that we wanted the piece we were making to have an understated approach to comedy, utilizing the setting of a share house and the relationship between two students who are opposites.
On Wednesday we honed in on developing a piece with a three-act structure, following a character’s journey around Melbourne to find a place to relax after a bizarre roommate makes the house unliveable for the day. The oddball housemate has taken on inspiration from a friend of Harper’s who as a medical student makes cold remarks, this contributed to the concept of creating characters that are opposites, pairing a medicine student with an art student for example, would create plenty of points of tension to make observations on.
We also discussed highlighting the fish-out-of-nature experience of attending university, particularly close to Harper’s experiences of moving from Perth to Melbourne. We also discussed highlighting the class divide in the university experience as well as the inconveniences of Melbourne life such as tiny furniture in cafes, the phrase “when in Rome” was a point of discussion as the adherence to strange new customs had the potential for a variety of comedic situations by having a newcomer experience everyday life in Melbourne whilst remaining dry and offering observations on Melbourne norms.
Amy graciously compiled all our ramblings into an extremely useful OUTLINE DOCUMENT LINK which has the beginnings of a story being structured, in the future, we will use it to collate all our different ideas for the direction of the piece. We discussed writing vomit drafts to fully flush out all our possible ideas and then frankensteining them together to create a piece that everyone had a part in making.