The body in space

Today during class we attended Testing Grounds, which is a wonderful space that emphasizes creative expression through means of installations, galleries and ideas. We presented our ideas to Joseph who was the curator at Testing Grounds, who gave us feedback as to the scope of our projects and perhaps how we could improve.

He seemed (at least to me) skeptical of how my ideas would come about and exist in a final product but was intrigued by its ambition. I tried to explain that it’s easier to show than to explain, which is possibly not the best way to pitch anything admittedly.

I spoke to Robbie in class about the difficulties of constructing the imagery in my project, as I fear the blurring of faces is a little too difficult due to not having direct control of the shutter on the Nishika camera. After showing my key image to him, he suggested for a big crowd I could perhaps shift my focus slightly and look at the Croxton but after attempting to email a contact to no avail, he suggested I look at this video, exploring the body in space.

This video opened my eyes a little into how the body, isolated, fills up space and how we as people fill space. I have an idea now to perhaps lose the idea of motion blurring and look at how communities are formed at sites by the space they take up within them. This I think would be a weight off my shoulders – I think I’m guilty of trying to take too much on in the first place.

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