I’ve been thinking further about the visual representation of my piece for project. I came across a reading called Abstract Video: The Moving Image in Contemporary Art by Gabrielle Jennings, in which she talks about historical and theoretical positions and motives from a variety of people including historians, museum curator and artists themselves. A central question that she asks is “why is abstraction necessary?” and “how does on go about abstraction?” There is a mention of idea of experimentalism within abstract art sometimes as a means of capturing “pictures of nothing. And of everything” (Jennings 2015).

This idea of capturing everything and nothing within a frame is definitely something that informs my work. In developing the conceptual framework for this project, part of the motivation comes from being experimental with the form of it, as because it is my own outcome I have more freedom to do so than with the other members of my group. It has also been something Robbie has been pushing us to do since the beginning of the course. In this sense, I want to capture and freeze a moment in time, but have movement within it so that immortalizes and contextualises the moment.

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