Week 9 – Crisis (I don’t know how to film stuff)

We didn’t really have a proper structure for classes this week, so it was largely up to us to make with whatever we want of the time.

I’m struggling with this. For real.

I planned a shoot with my brother this past weekend and it didn’t turn out how I wanted it to. Firstly, I found the angles I was taking to be very amateurish, and certainly not what I had envisioned. The scene was meant to be a man dangling over a bridge, struggling with his own demons and trying to mount up the courage to jump off. I had envisioned this to be disturbing and intensely uncomfortable, but it turned out really pleasant, which is completely the opposite of what I wanted it to be. I need to get a move on too because I need to allow myself enough time to do the exegesis (exe-JESUS) whilst also completing the assignments I have for my classes.

To be honest I was kind of devoid of inspiration for the class, having run out of ideas for how I’m meant to shoot the film to a standard that I am happy with. As such I spent a lot of the classes this week looking at videos of how to film on iPhones successfully, as well as examples of style aesthetics.

Some YouTube videos that really seemed to help:

He goes really into depth here about the equipment and ways you should approach filmmaking. Most of these tools I don’t have though which is kind of an issue, but still very interesting nonetheless.

Another top video. This was a bit of a switch up, focusing more on journalism than filmmaking but the same principles apply.

Inner music fan in me speaking here, but techno banger aside the aesthetic of this music video is perfect. I really want my film to be geared towards this kind of style. It’s very cinematic, and it’s exactly what I had been trying to describe in previous blog posts.

I really hope I can take most of these on board as I look to try and arrange another shoot with my brother very soon.

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