Despite a multi-sensate increase, this sense impression overload doesn’t necessarily mean the information will stick. Mason, J (2002) The Discipline of Noticing, p31
On Tuesday the 10th of March were set the task of observing media around the city. Rachel divided the class into groups according to the geography of room 80.11.10. and assigned each group a location. Our group was number 4, there were 6 of us and we were sent to Federation Square.
As I was on my bike, I had to split from the group and make my way solo.
My iPhone was on shuffle and 2 songs came through my ear buds in transit, Prisoner by The Jezebels and Release Your Problems by Chet Faker.
On arrival, I texted a group member to see if they were there yet. I got no response so started looking around without them.
I saw Daniel Ricciardo’s – Red Bull advert and immediately thought of Alexander Rodchenko and the propaganda artists of the 40s and the 50s. On researching those images further, it seemed that a raised arm was the pose of choice if you wanted to sell an idea.
There was still no word from the group so I continued perusing the site.
The advertisement on the church at first glance seemed sacrilegious until I realised that it was a cause for the refugees.
Eventually, I was flagged down by a member of our group and this was without the aid of mobile phone correspondence. The group had been whittled down to two thirds of what it was, perhaps distance and lack of communication had resulted in the dispersion of our caravan.
I wasn’t happy with the audio at the time so I revisited the site that evening after work and got this an esoteric Fed Square freebie gem! It was music to spoken word… another reason why I live in Melbourne.
Audio PlayerLater that night I realised that for some reason, I had set my phone to airplane mode and when I got home, I began receiving messages from the day. It was gratifying to think that the outside world wasn’t trying to snub me, it was just me that needed to be a bit more on task with technology.
All up, it was an enjoyable experience as I got a chance to get outside and exercise my observational skills and ascertain which media items resinated with me the most.
The cool esoteric performance may have stood a chance but if it weren’t for this conscious media documentation process, I can almost be certain that these sounds and images observed throughout the day would have been discarded and become a victim of the ephemerality of my short term memory.