Amy Hanley possesses something that many great artists used to see them through their resounding yet tortured careers; experimentation, fearlessness, freedom of expression, imagination and an oppressive constraint (in this case time).
*?'”””= 禪
Our guest speaker Amy Saunders reiterated some important tips on how we can utilise the library website. Amy suggested some meta data tactics that can help refine a web search; for example, the use of the asterisk after the beginnings of a word like ‘narrate’, the search will reveal all words that incorporate ‘narrate’ within a larger extension, some examples could be, narrative, narrator, narration and the likes. Likewise, a question mark ‘?’ can be used as an ‘and/or’ if you were looking for a two word topic… and with two word topics in mind, you will need quotation makes ‘””‘ to group the two words together to form a singular meaning. As mundane as all this sounds, I have returned to a new state of digital syntax zen that I am eager to put into practice on further research.
We switched to the subject of collaboration which was presented by Rachel covering points like consistency, respect, support, responsibility, fairness, trust, autonomy and clarity. It was a highly encouraging motivation talk on what to expect for future projects.
The word ‘trust’ resonated with me the most. Any project that I have walked away from and said to my self, “Hey that went well and… whoop whoop I had fun!”, was conducted in an environment of like minded people sharing the same the vision with an underlying faith in each others ethos.
John Cage
John Cage!
I am having a major ‘tree falling in the woods’ moment… just like I had had with Mark Rothko and Marcel Duchamp’s work. John Cage leaves a gaping hole in the aesthetic experience, he subverts our expectations, he is taking the micky out of you and me yet I can’t look away!