Monday morning exploded into a fantastic debate around the symbiotic relationship between audiences, institutions and the dissemination of personal information that is deceptively immaterial. We were again asked to consider how much trust we place upon certain institutions to which, at a glance, would seem too much.
Once the dusk had settled, we had a chance to reveal how our P4 projects are progressing. Jarrod, Siobhan and Genna’s piece addressed media technology which is set in the form of a choose-your-own-adventure. For me, it had me thinking about how I engage with the media from when I wakeup and check my smart phone to when I leave for school or work. It also had me remembering my excitement as a child when I would immerse myself in these types of choose your own activities. This idea has an infinite amount of potential that could well weave its way around YouTube like the nucleation of ice crystals if it were to be done right.
In subsequent presentations, we were shown propaganda on ‘how to become the best media user possible’, this resembled early works by constructivist Alexander Rodchenko and the Soviet propaganda art of the 1920’s and the 1940’s.
Later on, we were left entranced by Cate Klancy who is a compelling Fab-ricated character; she is carefree, beautiful and ultimately superficial with big dreams that are out of touch with the real world. Cate, or CK as she would like to be called, is a parody on how the public responds to ‘hype’, I truly believe that the class needs to know more about her so that we can turn a mirror on our own superficialities.
P4 Feedback
We presented our 2nd instalment to the class which focusses on evolving mediums. The feedback that resonated the most for me was related to our drafting process and how the steps involved in the podcast’s production need to be meticulously documented so that they can later be presented in our reflection. Again, the overall feedback was positive.