Has writing improved or worsened with technology?

There are options to weigh up for this, which I decided should be battled off against in a table format below:


Pro technology

Pro paper

–      Technology enables writers to quickly look up more information to use in writing which can in turn be used in their writing pieces –      You may be smart with spell check, but in real life can’t spell to save yourself
–      Faster –      I for one am a much faster typer than writer, which means that I am more likely to make grammatical or wording errors when using technology to write
–      Tangible –      Do you actually know the meaning of the word you used Microsoft Word synonyms for?
–      Can be easily edited –     Distractions of technologicical features
–      Technology can provide suggestions such as better sentence structuring you might not have thought of otherwise  


It seems according to my table, writing has certainly benefitted from technology over time, yet there are some aspects of technology that hinder great writing. I believe that technology is great for researching and time mangement, however if you think about it we are mostly just using Microsoft Word for a vast majority of our writing pieces these days, which is not so different from a blank piece of paper and a pen. Provided you don’t rely too heavily on the spell check etc. writing comes from within your mind. It reminds me of in VCE, when we would spend all year typing up notes, typing up essays etc but our final examinations had to be on paper. I didn’t notice a difference in the quality of my writing when typing or handwriting; but I sure know that if I didn’t have this gift from technology then I might have!