Would you like fries with that?

I’m not here to rant on about takeaway food. I just thought I would grab your attention and draw it to the ‘takeaway idea’, as discussed by Adrian, my university lecuturer. Adrian wants us to consider readings for networked media, as people using writing to think about an idea. Classes also should be thought of as a whole concept, with a purpose, something to take away to ponder about.

I think that Adrian’s comment about considering readings as not simply an explanation of something, but as people’s own writing about their own ideas.  In other words, don’t simply think that a reading is purely to inform with cold, hard facts. They should leave you with more than just facts. You should be encouraged to think along with the writer, consider their ideas, consider your ideas.

The ‘take away idea’ is something that is comprised of lots of ideas then translated into one summative concept. It is the one idea or concept, dervived from your reading and subsequent interpretation and learning, that summarises your thoughts. Everyone will read the same reading,but will all have their own personal ‘take away idea’. I think the take away idea is a great way to read more deeply and analytically, considering readings as more than just a block of information to be read for class, but a springboard for your own thoughts and ideas.