Week 2 – Lectorial Exercise – ‘Media is everywhere’ Noticing Audit

Up High
– cinema
– art
– books
– reflections of media texts/objects
On the Ground
– cafes
– phones
– maps
– Various logos
– Telephone box
– Photos
– Smartwatches
– iPods
– Internet organized protests
– screens
– various captions on screens
– DJ buskers
– information desks
– electronically played music
In your hand
– Phone, interacted 10 to 15 times during the exercise
When you truly accept the eclectic description of what media can be, you notice an astounding amount of mediated communications and interactions. We only needed to walk a few steps out of the RMIT classroom to find ourselves overwhelmed by smart phones, screens and laptops. Stepping outside, and looking up, we were washed over with screens and logos occupying the majority of the city-space. It’s clear that when you truly go out with the intention of noticing mediated content, you understand just how big a role it has in a developed society, particularly in one like Melbourne.

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