Reflection 24/8 (editing)

Mondays class was dedicated to editing Friday’s work in the suites downstairs. Having been happy with the production stage of my piece, I was looking forward to putting it together. To recap, I shot a short scene of dialogue between two characters, a male and female. The male was falsely describing how much he enjoyed sport, and I then recorded  his “thoughts” as wild-sounds, planning to dub them into the video in the suites.

However, I encountered three problems when putting the video together.


The first was that I had not allowed enough time in the “gaps” in conversation I created in realtime for the thoughts to be edited in. This meant that to solve this problem, I had to slow down the duration of Tyler thinking from 100% to sometimes as slow as 30%. I do think this was a somewhat effective solution, due to it creating a somewhat comprehendible depiction of the way your thoughts process faster than you could ever speak. However, it would have been great to have allowed more time for the thoughts to be edited in during production, as well as placing a time-limit on the recorded thoughts so that I wouldn’t have had to encounter this problem in the first place, and this is definitely something I’ll take into account next time.

Screen Shot 2015-08-24 at 12.34.11 pm (2) Screen Shot 2015-08-24 at 12.34.08 pm

The second problem I encountered was that I did not follow the 180 degree rule when filming the dialogue. I could do my best to explain the rule, but it would be only more confusing once I had attempted to explain it. Therefore, here’s this graphic which does a much better job of explaining it than I ever could.

180Screen Shot 2015-08-24 at 12.34.28 pm (2)Screen Shot 2015-08-24 at 12.34.11 pm (2)Screen Shot 2015-08-24 at 12.34.22 pm (2)


Finally, I encountered a problem in my sound levels, and have since been researching how I could equalize levels in a more efficient way then simply using my ear and changing all of the levels manually. Until I manage to get all the levels at the right level, the use of the constant gain effect will still provide two obvious a contrast between each clip.

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Overall I was clearly unhappy with the first stages of post-production. However, I look forward to working round these problems and still trying to make my video the best that it can be despite these issues.

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