Damn Cody, Back At It Again With The Late Nights


Gross, sweaty, tired, knees weak, arms spaghetti, and I just got home from my third shoot for the interview. Again, shooting exclusively for the B-roll camera, I just spent the last 4 hours in a cramped rehearsal space, feebly attempting to move between them as to not disturb their playing and divert their focus from their goal of trying to deafen me. We were all tired and stressed, we had all traveled far to be together, and we had all skipped out on food and our personal time that would’ve otherwise been spent arguably more productive, but once again that didn’t seem to dampen everyone’s mood. Whether they were playing, listening, filming, mixing audio, fixing equipment or advising the band, every single person in that room was doing something that they loved, and that was fantastic. Despite our different passions and burdens we had upon us at the time, we were all drawn together tonight to pursue our passions, and we did exactly that.
Sure, some things did go wrong; the bassist was late, the drummer had the wrong snare, power cables were missing,batteries weren’t charged, lenses weren’t appropriate, and so on, but we made do with what the had and the result was more than worth it. I got some great footage, I got the band some decent pictures, their manager gave some fantastic advice, and the band got better and more confident with every song.
It just goes to show that there’s always another way and that you can work past your problems, and that while you may not be perfect yet, if you persevere and practice to be good enough you can end up doing something you love.

I should probably follow my own advice more often, but I treasure sleep too much. Oh well.

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