Annotated Bibliography Visual Part 3 (Interesting AND funny, yay!)

Am I the only one that think Orson Welles looks like a cross between Leonardo DiCaprio and Jack Nicholson? yeah?…okay then.

America under attack I: a reassessment of Orson Welles’ 1938 war of the worlds broadcast

Despite not being a thesis on a communicative matter this article stilil came to be an important piece in my main argument adhering to the Hypodermic Needle/Magic Bullet Theory, proving as a valuable case study on the matter. Out lining the events surrounding the incident caused by Orson Welles’ War of The Worlds broadcast in 1938, this served as a key demonstrating of the effects of the Bullet Theory being used outside of the Nazi Party’s regime (being the most commonly drawn on example): causing widespread panic as over 1 million listeners believed the radio play to be an official broadcast of invasion, creating widespread hysteria and disarray.
This is also showed how the theory can be effectively applied in two highly differing scenarios, being viable in both a leftist democratic nation, America, and a tyrannical right dictatorship, Germany. Being a historical documentation there was no arguing its legitimacy as a source, and so it proved to be an apt case study. That, and I personally found it to add a dash of comic relief to the argument, finding it to be a humorous case study.

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