What a lot to take take. I don’t think even Dick Smith could have had something so jam-packed. Up until this point I had completely forgotten about the work attachment for the course, so it was somewhat of a surprise for Brian to say “YO BITCHEZ, Y’ALL GON’ BE IN THE FIELD OF WORKIN’ ‘N’ SHIZ” (slight paraphrasing). Not only do we have to do 80 hours of work and a 1,500 word report, but ALSO actually interacting with people in the industry, (which means talking and being professional somehow), and I’ll be damned if I don’t say that that’s daunting. Should maybe almost definitely be fun.
Oh yeah, we also discussed technology and its progression in society as well as its development in culture, cementing itself as a new grounding on which we found society and progress itself, comparing success to the advancement of technology. It was neat.