Having A Love-Hate relationship With Noise

Purely out of general interest and totally not trying to fill up my blog quota, I thought I’d go back and look at Monday’s lecture for ideas, and one that keeps jumping out at me, was the one regarding sounds we love. It’s fascinating how certain sounds, for seemingly no apparent reason, can greatly affect us. For example, personally I love the sound of rain and crashes of thunder, I find it soothing. In terms of sounds I hate or sounds that annoy me, not much phases me, I’m pretty chill when it comes to most things. You get that when you grow accustom to having an Age of Empires Builder as a father who goes on 14 hour angle grinding, spontaneous hammering and screaming sessions, however there are a few sounds that irritate me to know end, and one that you hear being emphasised in movies all the time. Sorry Wilhelm Scream, I’m not talking about you, even though you are pretty damn annoying, I’m talking about the sound of water/other drinks being poured. Why directors/foly artists feel it’s necessary for it to sound like there a freakin’ boom mic inside the jug/original vessel, I have no idea why, all I know is that I hate it. The one thing I despise more than that though, are mouth sounds. Not those ‘words’ things, I mean chewing, swilling, beat boxing, gurgling, smacking lips/gums, that weird licking sound – you know the one, all of them. Any guttural/mouth based noise is just ewwies.
I’ve told some friends about this before and they thought I was some sort of a sociopath because of this. How dare they? hating gross sounds doesn’t make me a sociopath, vivesection does. Geez, judgemental much?

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