This week we presented our short film to a panel of experts on eco-conscious media creation. Upon reflecting on our presentation and the feedback we received, there are several points that will significantly help us shape our project moving forward. As a whole, there were very positive responses to our project and the organisation of our presentation. However, one key piece of advice from the panel was to embrace a less scripted production process. They encouraged that we let the material and creative process take us where necessary. If we were to take on this approach, I believe our work could become more dynamic as it would be filled with the unexpected results of our filming.
Secondly, the panel recommended that we rethink the narrative of the insect’s perception of climate change. This thought provoking suggestion was based on the fact that many species globally benefit from aspects of climate change such as littering and architecture. This lens adds an interesting angle to the horror genre we wished to represent and offers something more in the direction of a survival piece about the duality of climate change. However, I do feel that if we were to take this nuanced approach, some of the power of our film would be lost.
Finally, I found another group’s presentation very interesting as a comparison to our own. This group’s showcase will focus on human bias exerted on representations of the natural world. Their mostly-photographic piece will emphasise the highly anthropocentric lens through which we often view environmental issues. Their use of the exhibition format was particularly interesting to me as they plan to integrate a physical divide in the space on the day of the showcase. They also want to incorporate audiovisual elements into their work. This group’s idea, being similar to our, but taking the opposite direction in avoiding the anthropocentric aspects, is an interesting development. It was fascinating to see a group so opposed to doing the very thing we set out to do. I will be interested to see the development of their project.
Overall, the feedback and insights gained from both our presentation and my peers have provided invaluable direction. Embracing a more organic production process and expanding our thematic exploration will undoubtedly enhance our film’s impact and resonance.