PB#1 Observational Exercise.
Week One task was to:
- Describe where you are, what you can see, smell, hear.
- Consider the people you can see milling and working around you. Describe them as a collective. Focus in on three who take your interest. Describe three in detail.
- Without speaking to any of these three, imagine where they could conceivably have come from and be going to from here.
- Without speaking to any of these three, imagine how or why they could conceivably feature in a documentary.
Before even attempting this task my world as an aspiring filmmaker opened up… suddenly I felt I understood some key formula to creating interesting ideas for documentary cinema. Everywhere I look now I see a story… or at least I imagine there is one.
I discovered three potential documentary subjects. 1) A tattoo-covered woman with a butch appearance and demeanour working at a New York inspired hot dog stand. 2) A three-generational Indian family running their own QVM-situated cafe. And 3) A hardcore punk working at an organic food stall.