Reflection blog post 4

Blog post considering the final artefact 

I am extremely happy with our final artefact, and I am incredibly proud of Jen, Emma, and myself for creating what we did. However, there are a few things that could be improved if we were to continue working on it.

One aspect that we talked about doing from the very beginning was slow motion shots. We thought it would be amazing to have Rib skating in slow motion and that it would have a very dramatic impact. Unfortunately, due to a number of reasons we did not get to achieve this. Firstly, the day we filmed Rib at the skatepark we were all conscious that she had another commitment to attend to later in the day so we were restricted on time, and wanted to get as much as we could without fiddling with camera settings. Secondly, it was recommended to us to get an app installed on our phones which would allow a different frame rate than what the camera permitted. We found out this cost too much money and we simply forgot about it. Lastly, in all the excitement and apprehension about getting our shots perfect, the idea of slow motion fell down the list of priorities. I understand why we weren’t able to achieve this, but it would have added some cool aesthetic value.

Furthermore, I would change the placement of the music. At the beginning we had an upbeat, funky song playing which I would have loved to be present instead of the slower beat we had going for most of it. To be honest I was a little surprised that my group liked this slower one better than the more upbeat one, as that is not what I believed we had intended. I would have liked to hear the more retro one playing for longer, but I had to go with the majority.

Something else I would have changed slightly was the narrative. Due to time restrictions as the film could only be five minutes, we had to make it as concise as possible. As Rib sort of rambled during her interviews, we had to do lots of editing and make some hard decisions. It we were allowed a longer duration time, I would have loved to explore more ideas surrounding being a woman at the skatepark. I think she had some really insightful and interesting things to say during her interview that unfortunately had to be cut due to time limits and also her rambling. I think we had an opportunity to make the narrative deeper in a societal context, but because of a number of reasons, we couldn’t achieve this.

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