Uncomfortable Filmmaking Assignment #4, Reflection 3: production

So, the final plans had been made. I had casted my friend Kadee whom I would act alongside with, and my friend Christina (who is in another studio), offered to be a crew member and was available on the same day as Kadee.   

However, on the day of intended production, October 5th, Kadee informed me that she was sick and unable to film. Despite this being very last minute and it feeling like disaster had struck, we decided that the next day would work. I had to bear in mind that I’d be crewing on another film on the 6th, but my film had to be filmed afterwards anyway, due to my vision for the natural lighting being darker. Unfortunately, Christina was working and unavailable, so I asked my friend Nia, who was also crewing on the earlier film on the 6th of October, and I am so grateful she said yes, especially as she had stayed up the day before crewing on another film.

In the end, we filmed within 5:30-8:30, with a total cast and crew of 3 people (including myself). Next time I would need at least one other crew member for audio. If I had another crew member, I would have used a boom mic. I think that fleshing out the idea earlier would’ve made the filming process feel well-prepared for and less stressful. I’m glad I made these mistakes though, and I feel so much more prepared to make things over the holidays for fun and for my improvement.  

As for editing, I took it slow (maybe even too slow) at the start. However, I had been sick for nearly a week when I filmed and was still sick at the end of the editing process, which is why I wasn’t as efficient with my time (I was so exhausted). By the end of it, I had accepted that the audio I recorded wasn’t perfect (all the more reason to ensure I have more crew members in the future), but I did take this as an opportunity to experiment and test this new style of editing that was so much more subversive than anything I had ever done in Media-making before. I am probably most proud of the visual aspects of the film. This is probably because it is the aspect I had focussed the most on during pre-production, as seen through my very cohesive moodboard, and I had a very clear vision when it came to that.  Overall, I’m proud of myself for finishing the film, especially with all the hurdles I had crossed to get to that point, and I know that I will do even better next time.  

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