The craft mans mindset VS the passion mindset

This weeks reading – The clarity of the Craftsman

The two different approaches on thinking about your working life

Passion mindset – focusing on what the world can offer, swamp of ambiguous and unanswerable questions

Craft mans mindset– focusing on what you can offer the world, offers clarity

What kind of mindset do i have right now and which of those two mindsets do i want to have? From reading the story about the guitarist and all, the craft mans mindset does seem more preferable. Digging one thing that you love so much you become an expert at it. However If by having a crafts man mindset i’d receive clarity and i won’t be looking at any other options past opportunities to explore something other than whatever i’m mastering then I don’t think i’d want to. How do you just choose one thing and decide to love it? Because even when you do think you love it you might not and you might change your mind so i think its good to be open to what the world offers as well as doing what you love to do.

Passion mindset or craft mans mindset. Whichever mindset it doesn’t matter to me  as long as i can

‘create something meaningful and presenting it to the world’

Because this is exactly what I’d like to do and what I’d like to learn how to do! So i’ll practice really hard and then i’ll be..

so good that they can’t ignore you

Church Project SHim

Directed a 2min short ad for a church camp. The purpose of it was to inform our church members about the camp that is happening over the Easter holidays and inviting them all to come along. The language is in Korean. The opening title says ‘Life of Miss A’ and starts off with shots of  hard working ‘miss A’at her workplace a clothes alteration store. The second scene is when she gets back from work  out in her balcony, staring out into the night sky she says to herself how she needs to take a rest from her busy life.  Then comes the camp logos (sHim) on top of pictures of the camp site and information about the camp. The Logo which means ‘to rest’ in English pronounced as ‘shim’ contains the word Him in it which refers to God which is why the H is a capital hence the overall meaning being ‘to rest within God’. There’s also a snippet of the guest speaker man telling us how excited he is to be preaching us at the camp. At the end it goes back to ‘miss A’ out in the balcony with a caption that says ‘Yeah i should go to the camp’ then comes inside with a light hearted joke. I had fun making it and I definitely got to practise a lot of my editing skills.

Blood in the gutter

Blood in the gutter – Scotland mccloud

Categories of panel to panel transitions in comics

  1. Moment to moment
  2. Action to action (good for connected series of event and shows it in a concise and efficient way)
  3. Subject to subject
  4. Scene to scene (same as 2.)
  5. Aspect to aspect (nothing happens, rarely seen in Western comics)
  6. Non sequitur (Often used to set up a certain mood or a sense of place)

Western art and literature

  • doesn’t wander much as for the goal oriented culture


  • Cyclical and labyrinthine works of art
  • Emphasise on being there over getting there

The more intense the closure between the panels become the more flexible the readers interpretation becomes. The closure can create

Haiku Exercise


A Haiku poem: Japanese poem that consists of 3 sentences with a 5-7-5 syllables structure.

Sometimes slowing down

is okay but just don’t stop

and ready set go 

This was my attempt at the haiku poem but didn’t really turn out to be a poem more like one sentence broken up into three parts. The 5-7-5 syllable structure’s definitely there though.

I used music provided by Brian from the shared google doc folder and credited it at the end. The opening title ‘Haiku’ positioned vertically resembles the Japanese feel of a Haiku poem since traditional Japanese literature were written vertically.

The poem was inspired by the footage of the traffic lights turning red, orange and green. The rest of the footages of the buildings were cut short and assembled that way to create rhythm and add variety. I also tried to composite the texts and footages as interesting as possible and at the same time to sync to the music.

However overall one thing I wish I could better would be the quality of the video. I think because during the process of scaling up some of the the framesizes of the footages, the resolution just failed.

Racist attack?

The Australian: Bill Leak

In my Rhetorics and Politics class we had a look at this article about un upset 25year old indigenous student named Melissa Denisson. How she took the cartoon shown above which portrays an Aboriginal man with a beer can not remembering his son’s name, to the Human Rights Commission as it made her feel degraded and humiliated, to the point she couldn’t eat or sleep. Then the National chief correspondent of the Australian, Hedley Thomas though an interview with ‘Hack’ expressed his thoughts on her response to the cartoon as grossly exaggerated.

Originally the reason why we had a look at this media piece (the cartoon) was to discuss whether it was a logos, pathos or an ethos. In my opinion it is strongly pathos as my first response to this cartoon was anger and sadness. As coming from the Northern Territory i subconsciously got to observe and experience the culture and lifestyle of the indigenous community which is why perhaps i felt more strongly against the cartoon. So was Melissa’s action and feelings a gross exaggeration as Hedley Thomas has said? Or could he  say that because he has no relations to the Indigenous Australians and therefore is impossible for him to feel any sort of empathy towards the misfortunes they have gone through and still experiences till this day.

The cartoon was definitely successful in creating a controversy looking at how many complaints it has received (over 700) by the Australian press council and i guess that is what every mediated text wishes for these days to grab more of the publics attention. I understand that it raises awareness of Australia’s current affairs in a flavourful way but in this case i think that the somehow attacking satirical criticism was perhaps aimed at the wrong target. As for all i know the Indigenous Australian fathers are not the ones who condoned or directly set up such unsafe and deprived environment of the Northern Territory Youth detention centre, so it seems to me that the Australians have abused their authority in disguise of delivering a satirical point which was heavily subjective to make the audience blame the wrong target; then when people got offended and opposed to their ‘humour’, instead of trying to understand where they are coming from and politely excuse themselves they just made them seem like a bunch of drama queens.




Lectorial Exercise Media is…

Our group of 5 Andy, Andrew, Rebekah, Bridie and i were designated to go to Southbank to observe and record all mediated interactions we come across.

These are the results

UP high:

  • Advertising for Moomba festival up on a flag post



  • Charity Organisation Oxfam handing out flyers with their information and asking to signup on their iPads.
  • Busker on street with a handmade like me on Facebook cardboard sign


  • Free stress test stall to advertise their anxiety book


  • Promotion magnet/sticker on a fridge at the river bar we had our break at.
  • Huge iPad looking monitor at Mcdonalds with motion graphics advertisement
  • Southbank newspaper at Mcdonalds


In our hand

  • access to Facebook, Instagram on our phones approximately 32 times as a group

About the Self Portrait

The sound recording of the fridge door opening and shutting resembles my huge appetite for food, the keyboard playing was myself playing the keyboard and it shows my love for practising music and lastly the Korean speaking voice was again myself introducing myself in Korean as it reflects my background and my heritage.

The videos were of my best friend and i just goofing around with snapchat filters, my mum in the dress room while getting ready for her wedding and a footage i took as i got on a plane to Sydney. These videos show the important people in my life who are the biggest part of me and also my life of travelling.

The images are a collection of my hobby, favourite destinations, a portrayal of my characteristics of being adventurous but also like to relax and almost always late for something.

The text encapsulates my religion and beliefs and my interest in hiphop culture.

Feedback Evaluation

Were you nervous about presenting your work? Yes I was nervous because It was a daunting position to be judged and to reveal a part of myself.

What kind of feedback did you get? I have gotten various feedbacks positive and negative but the most memorable one were the negative ones

Was the feedback useful? yes they were useful as some of the feedbacks were things i would’ve never thought of by myself.

What is most difficult about the process and why? The most difficult thing is to come up with constructive criticism. Wording the negatives in a professional way so it doesn’t hurt the other person’s feelings.

How might you get better at the hat system over time? Practise

What might be a good way to separate the moments of receiving feedback and actually evaluating it and doing something with it? Writing the feedbacks down and actually try the alternatives suggested from the feedbacks.

Is it worth reflecting on the feedback both close to the experience and a bit further on? Yes of course, whether it is close to the experience or further on overall i think it’s a really good learning experience.


Self portrait (Project Brief 1)


Sound recordings





Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

– John 14:7


They say people in your life are seasons

And anything that happen is for a reason

-Kanye West from Heard em say