Wk 6 Lectorial how to be a media operator

How to be a media operator

Be cool and not a tool

Communication participants (actors)

need to figure out communication strategy to have effective communication give way too much info and be really clear

may pull out because of something they may pull out always good to have a back stop

location release

Insurance & Legals

Location Get there one and a half hour early you can get extra shots talk to each of you team mates and plan it out. Find a green room car or a room. Be tidy with the gear.

actors need a green room. Don;t go on your phone once the camera is rolling. Leave the location in better condition then you found it,

Performance release

interviewers will want to interview again. The release form must be signed before the interview and after!

Safety journalists are allowed to interview people without permission just say that you’re a journalism student not allowed to use plastic guns

Can’t wait to get started on my interview

wk 7 workshop

Giving Feedback on Rough-cuts

In today’s class we gave feedback on the rough cuts that everybody produced so far. The guys at our table had lots of great footages taken and ideas put in to the interviews. Although they weren’t as long or profound YET they all showed the kind of mood they wanted to set up. By watching everybody’s rough cuts i’ve learnt that the sound quality was really really important perhaps more important than the footage. It sounded best when the volume was just right and the voice was clear with no background noises and also when there weren’t too much echo. People seemed to achieve this the best when the interviewee was closer to the camera. For a sit-down interview to get good sound with loud enough volume mid shot worked the best.



Wk 8 tutorial

Reflection on the short film exercise we did in last weeks tutorial as i couldn’t make it to the tutorial this week. So in groups of 4 we had to make a short clip with the theme of ‘pursuit’. Our group came up with a storyline of somebody losing their phone then pursuing it back. Then to make it more interesting we added a little twist at the end where the girl who loses the phone by accidentally leaving it in the bathroom finds the phone eventually but then leaves her lipstick on the same spot she left her phone! Immense amount of planning was required for this exercise as following the rules based off of the White gloves film festival, all the shots had to be shot in order. We worked out a rough story board and using the whiteboard to write our titles and opening credits we got started. Overall i think we did a pretty good job as we didn’t go too much off from our storyboard but we did have to cut out some shots that we thought weren’t as important to save time. One thing we could have improved would have been the timing of the recording because at some points we recorded too early and inevitably included unwanted actions and voices in it, for example we pressed record than yelled action.

Week 8 lectorial

Part 1 Considering fandom/audiences

Part 2 Jeremy Bowtell – Roughcut/Fine cut


textual attention BBC planet earth II – iguana vs snakes

To think about attention is being conceptualised and worked through in media

The question is how texts….establish relations with their readers as well as representations of whatever their subject matter might be

Attention and audiences

Wha cares about the audiences and the kind of attention they give to media?

  • Advertisers
  • Commercial broadcasters, cable networks etc
  • Production houses and individul program makers
  • Government policy makers
  • Social scientist/ psychologists
  • cultural theorists/ media scholars

Changing conceptions of audiences/consumers

  • from broadcasting to narrowing the basic idea is that there being the recognition of that shift is not that old. Non traditional channel 7 channel 9 Netflix internet company Sony interest in software and hardware Profound shift made in making media affordable technology of distribution how we buy sell
  • Flowering of long term

Post broadcast paradigm

The idea of the audience has changed

Media effects theory

  • anxiety/suspicion re TV’s power
  • audience is passive/ manipulated/ brain washed Kids/ young people
  • lab experiments

Theorising the ‘active audience’

A ‘reception studies’ tradition in media/cultural/ television studies has focused on audiences and how they ‘read’/make sense of texts

Theorising ‘The active audience’ Acknowledges

  • complexity of viewing activity
  • cultural competencies
  • sociocultural context of viewing


They pay too much attentions to stuff. Calling someone a fan still has a slightly negative connotation. Fans are often stereotyped and pathologies as cultural ‘others’- as obsessive, freakish hysterical. Fan cultures are a problem for legimate culture because of their insistence on muddying boundaries- treating mass culture texts as if they deserved the same attention as canonical/high culture texts


Reading ‘The Night of a Thousand Wizards’ (2010)

Henry Jenkin One of key figures in fandom studies He is ana academic and also a fan.


Editing Process

Finishing an editing project


Focus on structure, getting the main elements of the story in the order. Predominantly IV content, OK to have blank spaces

Rough cut

First draft. Filling in blank spaces to include montages, B-Roll, as well as music & SFX if necessary to tell story (No colour grading or any fancy effects Don’t go any further because Not the priority might not end up using the footage after all)Make sure persistent audio level

Fine Cut: File tuning vision and audio, colour grade, audio mix and titles

audio mix

File organisation

All medias are offline where to find the audio clips are broken just locate

“Always substance over style”

Have an exports folder!


Wk 7 Lectorial cancelled

Week 7 Lectorial was cancelled. I remember rocking up to class and finding the classroom empty. Actually thrilled to go home, i went home to take a nap. Anyhow instead of  lectorial notes, i will be writing about the reading ‘Why look at animals’ by John berger. It was a very persuasive piece about how it wasn’t natural for  animals to all be living in zoos or petted at homes, that they become a creature of a whole other kind when they are raised to be so dependent. There were quite a few words that didn’t know but found out through the reading such as…

  • Totalitarianism: A system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state.
  • Marginalisation: Treatment of a person, group, or concept as insignificant or peripheral.
  • totemism: System of belief in which humans are said to have kinship or a mystical relationship with a spirit-being, such as an animal or plant.
  • oracular: Relating to an oracle, (of an utterance, advice, etc.) hard to interpret; enigmatic.
  • verisimilitude: The appearance of being true or real

Not only did i learn the definitions of these words but reading this text made me perceive going to zoos in a whole different light. As John points out how close the glass or the bars between the animals and the audiences don’t change the fact that animals are still being marginalised and mistreated. Never ever have i thought this deeply into the marginalisation of animals and how we as a society’s thoughts are all very selfish in a  way.


Wk 5 – Louise Tarley

This week Guest speaker, Producer of Backroads(ABC) Louise Turley came to speak to our group.

The art of the Interview

Some of the things we learned about her was that she got her first job because the recruiter thought she was related to an AFL footballer. She worked at ABC for 20years, BBC doing art documentaries while she traveling all around the world. (lucky)..She also worked at Matchbox pictures working on factual and reality TV then finally the show ‘Backroads’ by ABC an old fashioned tv about the rural Australian country towns that had over 1.3 million viewers who were mostly women over the age of 65.

Louise had an interesting line of career and she had some great tips on how to conduct a successful interview.

Some of the tips were

  • Establish who your audience is
  • Make sure the subject is not shy on camera and that they are credible
  • Art of the noddy (nodding without making any sound in response to the interviewee)
  • Make the interview questions simple, as short as possible and open ended.

Example of an closed and open question

Open: Tell me your relationship with your boss

Closed: Do you get along with your boss? (Can only answer in yes or no)

  •  Practise saying them
  • Leading questions can be dangerous


What problems do you have with your boss? Implies she has problems with the boss

Tell me about your relationship with your boss? much more balanced unbiased/ full of bias

How did you smash your car? Implies fault

  • Maintain eye contact
  • Lots of miming and facial expressions
  • To get the best answers out of people they need to feel comfortable
  • Be careful about what people are doing in the background
  • Take one day to follow the subject and observe and take notes for the interview
  • Self- contained answer

Notify your subject and tell them that we need them to repeat the question in their answer.

Example: Q. when did you move to Melbourne? A. I moved to Melbourne 5 years ago.

  • Lighting and sound is very important make sure to have the right equipments ready for it
  • Have a reason why the location is that place or else the audience might not understand. Natural habitat is a good option
  • Say whatever you need to say to put them in their comfort zone

But most importantly

Interview is Practise. 


Self Portrait project 2


In this self portrait of mine every single picture, footage and sound recording even down to the video transitions they all resemble a part of me whether it is my favourite thing to eat, to do or just my characteristics, i tried to make it as personal as possible. Although without reading the brief, by just watching the video, it might not make sense at all and just seem a little wacky but it’s perfect because that’s me.

The photos i used in the order of its appearance were 1. a picture of a polaroid of myself pretty exposed. Actually a before photo for my  fitness journey that only begun recently. 2. People from church praying 3.My first ever camcorder 4.Underwater in swimming pool 5. Ice-cream Sundae

Video footages in the order of appearance: 1. Birthday cake of my best friends 21st 2. myself rolling my eyes 3.mirrorball 4brushing my teeth 5. singing 6. running on treadmill

Sound recording in the order on appearance: 1. Myself saying Hi in Korean 2. Myself playing the keyboard 3. Sound of rummaging through the fridge

Text: Love never fails 

I wanted to set my tone of the self portrait very light hearted and fun. I just collected all the photos and documents of myself that were taken in the past few weeks and compiled it together in a way it was aesthetically pleasing but also had an interesting twist to it. I made a lot of effort to sync the images going on and off or video transitions to match with the beat of the sound which created nice rhythms in some parts.

The video can be divided into 2.  The 2parts can be distinguished by the background music. The first part reflects more of my interior self and my natural state very calming and the other part reflects a different side of a more cheery and energetic outgoing self. The colour scheme is glitter, hot pink and black.

The most successful part would be the opening sequence. The birthday cake and us singing happy birthday till the candles are blown out then i say hello in Korean, The birthday concept symbolises a new beginning and the most unsuccessful part would be the first image because as it is zoomed in during edit the quality is truly bad and theres so much of myself i could’ve showed some more of other things that is not my face.



wk 6 initiative post Netflix Addiction

Ok Gilmore Girls is way too good. I am officially hooked. Everyone like the whole town’s so cute and friendly and the whole mother and daughter relationship is just adoring. I love them so much i want to name my daughter Lorelai. I love how Rory’s best friend Lane is Korean considering how old that show came out i think they did a really good job with creating diversity within the show. Their friendship is just so heart warming to watch and i bet it encourages kids who watch the show to be non racist and just nice to each other. I think it’s the show that has the most realistic but funny script  and i think the writer is freakishly talented. I love each and every character in the show but my favourite will be Paris. She’s so damn competitive but she owns it and i sympathise a lot with her when it comes to being a bit self-conscious next to such a perfect friend like Rory. I can’t wait to see their friendship grow and I already know that Luke and Lorelai gets together but it’s just so fun to watch them flirt and pretend like their just friends and all… Someday i would like to create media that will be as heart warming and entertain like the Gilmore Girls 🙂

How do we become media practitioners?



Reflecting on the light bulb learning moments

D – Describe objectively one thing you  learn (What did i learn?)

I – Interpret the insight  (Why is this important to the course?/Professional development)

E – Evaluate the usefulness and effectiveness of the learning (How useful is this new understanding that i learned?

P – Plan how this information will be useful to you (How might this learning apply to me in the future?)


Reflecting on todays morning Rhetoric and Politics tutorial

D – I have learnt today that democracy, theoretically means that we have freedom we are free to speak free to vote who we want but it is actually more of an institutional arrangement. The balance between freedom and responsibility is very important.

I -Democracy is important to understand no more like crucial when studying this course because we live in a democratic society and i think it’s important to understand our society’s politics as it is deeply related to everything

E – It is very useful as from now when i watch the news about new legislations and proposals i can evaluate whether as the democracy society we live in it would benefit us or restrain us?

P – I will apply this in my future by further studying it and i can take the information about democracy into consideration when i vote.


Honestly because i haven’t gone very deep into the learning of democracy but that was the most memorable learning as i have always thought ourselves to be enjoying our freedom but turns out there are all these laws that restrict us from our freedom but that are there to protect us.