I felt like line was an easy object to notice there were lines everywhere. However i found myself only photographing when i remembered and it wasn’t like i saw lines and took photos, most of the times i had to remind myself of this project then i intentionally looked around for lines to take photos of. Lines don’t stand out and honestly everything is made of lines. Unless i see something specifically associated with lines for example a zebra passing by i am not going to think Oh lines! and snap a pic of it. Although through the process of media taking, before even looking through the pictures I noticed a sense of differentiation between the lines. Lines created organically such as the texture of the chocolate ice cream or the lines of nature like the tree leaves are very crooked and irregular. Whereas the others are very straight, rectangular and industrial. It made me think back about the odd angle photography of my body and how all the lines of my body were very soft curvy and never straight. All our body parts are 100% non-linear! Our finger tips, hair, our waistline I can guarantee there isn’t one single body part where it consists of a straight angle and it is same with nature. I would like to explore further on this subject.