Experiment. Screen. Sensation W8 – Video Art

Video Art

Video art occurred from the 1960s when the productivity of portable video recorders was rapidly increasing. Inexpensive filming equipment hugely increases artists’ effectivity and convenience of creating which successfully brings the ideas from visual art to a shorter-length and lower-budget videos. Actually, video art is sometimes hard to differentiate between other arts and itself. For example, performance art tends to “present” the attention on the moment of performance, however, if we film the performance art by the machine, then repeatedly playing the video in a gallery through a projector, the video art is more tended to “re-present” the moment of performance. But, in terms of the recording of the performance, it could masterly restrict the audience to see what the artist wants to let them see. Meanwhile, video artists realise the way to restore the essence of aesthetics in a little, tiny SD card. Playing in a loop… perform it anytime… even more “portable”.

In my opinion, video art truly decreases the huge spend of filmmaking (in a normal way if you don’t want to explore something, that may be expensive in the settings) and also implements the aesthetics of a scene in the film at the same time.



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