Summary submission post on 5 posts

Here i am going to discuss 5 blog posts i have made in semester 1 of media 1 which show my engagement in the course. Firstly, this course is a course which changes each lectorial, so there have been several different topics and ideas which i have posted on my blog. 

  1. My first post which reflects my involvement in the project is this one here. It is a post on a lectorial which describes that everything is story, and story is everything. This was an important post because this was the first lectorial where i was very interested and mentally involved. Dan discussed narrative, which was a very different to previous lectorials. He taught me alot about composing a story and the importance of making a story a good one, because it is everything. 
  2. The next blog post which has had influence on me is this one here. This was one of the first discussions media 1 had. It was a discussion about one of the most influential American composers of the 20th century. In particular, his piece 4’33” which was purely silence, has become very famous. This discusses how silence is also and art and can be musical. It opened my perspective to ideas about different methods of creating something.
  3. The next post (here) is my first self portrait. This influenced me as it was my first project for the course and was pretty exciting to do. It was my first real engagement in the course, and made me have to realise what photos, audio, and videos i relate to myself.
  4. The next post (here) is of one of my favourite readings of the course. This basically discussed audience as media outlets. An audience is a group of consumers of a communicative event of some sort, those who are physically, and collectively, present in the same place, as the addressees of a sermon or speech or theatrical production. this interested me because in media there is always an audience – i am an audience, and my work will have an audience.
  5. The next post (here) was the first readings we did in media which made us talk about hyper and deep attention. This also made me question which one i am (i have deep attention). When i read this post, it just reminds me of media because this is the first thing i learnt while in this course therefore it is important to me. Its ideas demonstrate my involvement in the course as i am now able to understand, with a definition and name, my attention type and can use this information to effectively work on projects.

Here is a learning graph of semester 1 =

Screen Shot 2015-05-25 at 4.48.17 pm


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