Appreciation Post

The fast paced world of television reminds me of: 

Neil Patrick Harris – i first got my glimpse of him in How I Met Your Mother (aka how to ruin a great TV series in the last season). But i am so impressed with him when he hosts an award show – his effort, talent and time spent preparing outshines every past host.

NPH is the definition of a hard act to follow for future hosts. He’s kind of ruined it because he has made it so hard for people to reach the audiences now extreme expectations. See an example here


His performances are great. The effort shown in his work can be found easily on YouTube. But his effort reminds me also of the effort behind the scenes. The following video i have attached kind of changed my way of seeing award shows. Now, anytime i watch one, all that is stuck  in my head is the following:


Not to forget another important video i have watched like 1000000 times, turning the American NFL draft into primetime televison. This video really has made me understand the intensity of perfecting something, quick and live, to an eager and easily-angered audience.



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