Semester 1 Media 1 Final Reflection

Semester 1 of Media 1 has been mostly enjoyable and has had several moments which have been memorable. I have discovered several things about my own creative practice. Although this course has been great in several ways, it has had its challenges. It is only the start of this three-year journey and i have already learnt a lot.

Throughout this semester, I have learnt several things from lectorials, tutorials, from my own studying, and creativity in assignments. In chronological order, I have learnt about hyper and deep attention, noticing, copyright, how media is the integration of theory and practice, collaboration, narrative, mediums, audiences, institutions, remixes, and technologies. I have also learnt to use iMovie at a level that is more professional than before beginning this course. I have learnt to be collaborative in a group project for project brief 4, and accepting of interesting ideas and concepts, as I have never done a media project with a group before. I have also learnt about my own resilience, to get work done on time, and do them to the best of my ability, knowing full well that I am going to get better.

A moment where I learnt how I learn was the first reading which discusses hyper and deep attention. Here I learnt that I have deep attention, which means when doing a project I concentrate on a single object for long periods, ignoring outside stimuli while so engaged, preferring a single information stream, and having a high tolerance for long focus times. Learning this early in the course helped me to apply this to my future projects, and be able to acknowledge these traits and use them to my advantage.

This course has been very beneficial, because at times it has been very simple, but it has come with its challenges. For example, when doing project brief 3, after exporting my iMovie project, I realized I did not have creative commons for a song. When I found a replacement, it would not let me change the project. This was extremely frustrating. I also had to re-record audio to make it clear and concise. Keeping up with the readings without skimming them but actually reading them with full attention also posed as a challenge. Becayse the readings are always there to do, I had to give myself a day of the week where I would complete them. I thought this would help but I still found the readings very long. There were some challenges in the group assignment as we changed our idea 2 weeks before it was due, and then had to rush to finish the project. This also meant previous work was somewhat irrelevant.

I have discovered about my own creative practice that I am able to easily get a project done on time, it is just a matter of making the project to the best of my ability. I understand how to use iMovie completely, but have realized I will be better off learning a better quality video making program which does not mess up occasionally.

This semester has been a good semester. It has been disappointing at times in terms of content, but has also been very fulfilling.

I declare that in submitting all work for this assessment I have read, understood and agree to the content and expectations of the assessment declaration.



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