Week 7 – Initiative post

After our project brief 3, I had gone to New York with my family. When I went the Times Square, I felt it was so amazing. It was a place full of Media. I could see the advertisements along the side and the crowds were just…

Week 2 – Initiative post

“Media is everywhere.” This is my third week living in Melbourne. Yes, I am totally new here. Before I came to Melbourne, I did know much thing about this place. Hence, I went on research online to find more information. After I came to Melbourne,…

Week 2 – Lectorial Exercise “Media is Everywhere”

In our week two lecture, we had been divided into small groups of 5 members each and we needed to spend 45 minutes to 1 hours to record all mediated interactions and communication of media. My group was located at Bourke Street Mall and here…