Week 5 – workshop

For this week’s workshop, Brian gave us more time on our sound exercise instead of discussing the reading. He told us how to use Adobe Audition and gave us some technique on editing. Then, we had our spare time on editing the sound, and asking…

Week 4 – Workshop

We were back in class again after the long break for Easter. We started a mini film festival where we watched each other’s self portrait video for Project Brief 2. It was really interesting watching others’ work and seeing how people react to my work….

Week 3 – Workshop

Due to the break of Labour Day, we did not have lecture for this week, so in our workshop lesson, we first discussed about the reading by David Gauntlett which talked about creativity and digital media. Next we had divided into 4 groups and once…

Week 2 – Haiku Exercise

In this week workshop, we were given a exercise to make a Haiku video by using Adobe Premiere Pro. I had a hard time on the software while this is my first time making my own video, and I spend like an hour to figure out…

Week 2 – Workshop

In today’s workshop, we first discussed about the lecture and we were given time to present our first assessment of self-portraits within our tables. Not only going through each others blogs, we had to give feedbacks by using “coloured hats” method. There were four coloured…

Week 1 – Workshop

I have my first workshop for media on Wednesday. I was almost late for the class as I couldn’t find the room. (I am not the only one, right!!) To start the class, we had 5 minutes to get pair for introducing ourselves and telling…