Week 8 – Virtual Reality Lets the Audience Step into the Story

Olivia K. (2016) “Virtual Reality Lets the Audience Step into the Story”. [online] Nieman Storyboard.  Available at: http://niemanstoryboard.org/stories/virtual-reality-lets-the-audience-step-into-the-story/ The main idea of this article is to illustrate how virtual reality leads the audience into the story. Before leading the reader step into the story, the narrators…

Week 4 – “Sound”

This week’s topic for lecture and reading is “sound”. To begin of class, we discussed about media affordances which refers to the “specific and unique attributes that a medium may have”. Next we talked about the difference between “hearing” and “listening”. Hearing simply means sounds…

Week 3 – Reading “Making Media Studies”

This week’s reading is “Making Media Studies” from the author David Gauntlett. Media has developed rapidly and there are many differences between past and now. Gauntlett discusses there are two peaks in the current media. First peak is creativity that people are making new things…

Week 2 – Reading “Blood in the Gutter”

This week’s reading, “Blood in the Gutter” by Scott McCloud, is a comic describing comics. McCloud uses the idea of “closure” which means observing the parts but perceiving the whole to start the comic. He uses the example of comics above to prove the aspect…

Week 1 – Reading “The Passion Trap”

We should follow our passion, shouldn’t we? Cal Newport had mentioned that people are following their passion to get their dream jobs, which however, may ultimately lead them to the “passion trap”. “Do what you like, and love what you do” that’s what I had…