Egg Hunting #10 – Lighting

In today’s class, Rohan gave us a tutorial on lighting technique. The class is truly beneficial not only for our group project but also for our media career in the future. We were using “Dedo” kit which is dimmer because safety wise, it doesn’t require…

Egg Hunting #9 – Good vibes & Regrets (Pitch & Feedback)

We will be working on a music video for artist Joshua Bienstein, aka NeuMark, a young local artist. His music is influenced by the likes of (alternative) rock musicians such as Chet Faker, Matt Corby and Coldplay. The song we will be working is called…

Egg Hunting #8 – music video analysis presentation

Yesterday we had a music video analysis presentation in class and my presentation is on Drake’s Hotline Bling. The music video directed by Director X was released on October 19 and its imagery has become an Internet sensation, inspiring countless memes and parody videos. I chose this…

Egg Hunting #7 – Dawn Shadforth reading

Week 2’s reading is an interview with the director Dawn Shadforth who has been making great British pop videos for nearly two decades. Throughout the interview, Shadforth continuously mentioned ‘collaboration’ in the music video production for Hurts’ Lights. The process of the production was completely collaborative….

Egg Hunting #6 – ON THE STREETS

After deciding on the theme of homeless, we started to research and brainstorm about the concepts and ideas. Then I found this feature documentary on homelessness called On The Streets which gives an intimate portrait of homeless life in the City of Dreams. This documentary is a 12-part video…

Egg Hunting #5 – Homeless

For our upcoming music video production, our group has chosen a song called ‘homeless’. After listening to the song, it immediately brings the name of Lee Jeffries to mind. Lee Jeffries is one of my favourite photographer who captured gripping portraits black and white portraits…

Egg Hunting #4 – Week 1 Exercise

Our week 1 class has a compact but productive schedule. We had done several exercises in the class in order to have a better start on our music video production. Silhouette First exercise was to draw a silhouette. The purpose of this exercise is to…

Egg Hunting #2 – Depeche Mode & Anton Corbijn

We did a small exercise during our first class. We watched Depeche Mode’s four music videos that were directed by Anton Corbijn and we were asked to take note for each video. Here are my rough notes: Strong love: Strange Cool Simple Women and Sexual…

Egg Hunting #1 – What I want from this course?

A music video does not only help the artists to promote their music recordings, but also makes a connection between the artists and the audiences. A great music video can create an audio-visual communication and deliver a behind message of a song to the viewers….