Week 3 – Workshop

Due to the break of Labour Day, we did not have lecture for this week, so in our workshop lesson, we first discussed about the reading by David Gauntlett which talked about creativity and digital media. Next we had divided into 4 groups and once again using “coloured hats” method to evaluate on each other’s blogs. This time, we were not looking at only one single post but the whole blog. We looked into the layout, creative name and posts of blog. Among our group, they all had distinctive styles on designing and writing, it enables me to learn something different from them. As well, they would also give me some advises on how to develop more on the blogs.

We also had some reviewed on others’ Haiku project and then we moved to discussion on our Project Brief 2. We first watched former students’ works and asked tutors questions regarding to the project. After the lesson, we got to know more about how to edit and produce our own video and also learn the technique on Adobe Premier Pro.