Egg Hunting #12 – Experiment

Before having an actual shooting tomorrow, we have some experimental practices today. As schedule in our production outline, we would

  • Have our first meeting with the protagonists
  • Choose outfits for the protagonists
  • Scout and confirm locations for the production
  • Sample shots
  • Hand-held shooting experiment

First meeting with Paola/ Outfits choosing

Today we had our first meeting with the protagonist. Due to some personal reasons, our artist NeuMark couldn’t come and join us today. For the female protagonist, we had done an online casting and finally had Paola to be with us in the production. After a short introduction with Paola, we had a dressing time. We provided 10 sets of clothing for Paola to try and choose the best for our music video production. Here are some outfits example:

Scout and confirm locations for the production/Sample shots

We are going to film in four different locations for the music video production. Hence we scouted several places in consideration of lighting and environment and chose the best one to work on. We also done some sample shots in each locations.

Hand-held shooting experiment

Initially our group wanted to borrow a camera slider or stabiliser for shooting tracking shots, however unfortunately our school did not provide these equipments. As consulted with Rohan, he advised us to hold the tripod while moving the camera. I had experimented several tests, but the results did not come out well. Like the video below, it is shaky and hard to focus. Therefore, we chose to film most of the shots on the tripod and cancel those tracking shots.

In my opinion, an experimental practice is a significant work to be done before the actual shooting. It helps to well prepare for the production and not wasting time on unnecessary actions.