Egg Hunting #10 – Lighting

In today’s class, Rohan gave us a tutorial on lighting technique. The class is truly beneficial not only for our group project but also for our media career in the future. We were using “Dedo” kit which is dimmer because safety wise, it doesn’t require as much energy and hence lowers risk of damaging power circuits. The class mainly focused on Three-Point Lighting.

Three-point lighting: Key light, Back Light, Fill Light

Key light:

  • Main light source
  • Brightest and most influence on the look
  • Usually placed slightly off centre


  • Angled, maybe 45 degrees behind subject
  • Separate the subject from the background

Fill light:

  • Set up opposite key light at front of subject
  • Purpose: soften shadows a little bit, caused by key light
  • Placement of fill light will vary depending on a different subject, or wanted effect

Side-lit: Secretive effect cause of harsh shadows

Up-lit: Unflattering, horrific effect

Back-lit: Halo effect + capture dust dance

Top-lit: Gets rid of “identity” – captures criminals and the like

We also learned some shooting techniques/conditions.

  • “Magic hour” an hour before sunsets
  • Usefully setting sun as a kick light
  • In the shade, lighting is diffused