Uses of Photography – Week 8

In order to produce a photo essay on strangers, we were asked to paired up with our classmates and introduced our friend to each other. I was paired up with Rachel and I had had no idea on who was I going to introduce to…

Uses of Photography – Week 7

Due to some reason, my partner Rachel has to changed the option for me to photograph. For the new subject, she introduced me to a dancer who is interested in ballet and contemporary dance. We have arranged a time on Wednesday and I will be going…

Uses of Photography – Week 6

This week we have been talked about photo essays. Photo essay is like storytelling which we use the collection of photographs to tell a story. Like the classic narrative structure in film or television, photography does have its own narrative structure that helps the viewers understand…

Uses of Photography – Week 5

For Project Brief 3, we are going to produce a photo-essay of ten to fourteen photographs and the subject is going to be “stranger”. When I first heard about the task, I was kind of excited rather than afraid because I have photographed “strangers” for…