Recording Place Log #15

Final Reflection Recording place is a location based documentary practice taught by Rohan Spong. This is my third media class and I have to say it is the best studio that I have taken. Initially, I thought the class was going to be tough and…

Recording Place Log #14

What could I do differently Firstly, I need to say I am pretty satisfied with our outcome of the project however there are something we could have done it better. Honestly, we do not have much time for our production and most of our team…

Recording Place Log #13

Logline/Synopsis Our group has changed some parts of logline and synopsis as part of final submission. As our original logline and synopsis were based on our mind, we have to change a little bit in order to illustrate the story clearly to the audiences. Here are the…

Recording Place Log #12

Rough Cut / Feedback Here is the feedback from Cindy for our rough cut : Mr Huang Besides being an older man he represents one of the many from other lands that makes Australia whole.  Fantastic that you found someone to speak in their own…

Recording Place Log #11

The Story Our storyline has changed a bit after the interviewing. Initially, in our thought, we wanted to present Mr. Huang’s passion for selling vegetables in Queen Victoria Market despite his advanced age but he had difficulty on counting the prices of the vegetables. However,…

Recording Place Log #10

Week 5 In week 5, we have to present our rough cut to Rohan and Cindy in order to get our feedback. Firstly, we listed down the requirements that we need for the film and we must have it before rough cut submission. Release Form…