Recording Place Log #7

Update for PB4

Update #1 Jan. 17th

It is the third week of the studio; we started to have some observational filming in the market. As we are a big group of six, we take turn each of three members to go QVM having some shots. There were some problems that I encountered during my turn in the market.

  1. Blocking by the customers – we were blocking by many of the customers during the time we are recording. In the result of Mr. Huang was disappeared in some shots.
  2. Cable is too short – we were filming from far as we didn’t want to disturb others’ business. However, our cable for external microphone is too short so we couldn’t reach closer to Mr. Huang. In the result of there were noise coming from passersby in some shots.
  3. Naughty passersby – some people were exciting seeing camera so they posed or stopped in front of the camera. In the result, we had to stop shooting.

Even though I may be interfered with some troubles, I was able to have some nice shots for our documentary and I was so happy and grateful that Mr. Huang gave our team a bag of litchis which were so sweet :)))))

Update #2 Jan. 18th

This was a message Mr. Huang written to one of my team member. The message is roughly about Mr. Huang has declined to do the interview because he feels that he is no one important for us to film and it is no point to film a person who has nothing to say. He gives us a suggestion of filming his daughter who is the shopkeeper instead.

We were so shocked after receiving the message as we had already planned everything for the interview and the film itself. We were in the half way of production and we were not able to change the subject from now. After discussing in the group chat, we decided to talk to Rohan in the next day.

Update #3 Jan. 19th

We have talked to Rohan in the class today. He asked us to speak to Mr. Huang in person and gave us some tips on convincing. He told us to follow his words. For example, if he say I am just a normal person why do you want to film me. Then we should tell him that we would just like to film a normal person who is like you.

So we went to the market in the afternoon and we successfully brought Mr. Huang back to the track by using Rohan’s way of convincing:) and we had arranged the interview on next Monday. I am so thankful to both my team members and Rohan who help me a lot and thanks Mr. Huang who always being kind to us.