Recording Place Log #5

PB3: Pitch/Proposal


Mr Huang’s passion for selling vegetables continues into his 27th year working at the Queen Victoria market, despite his advanced age.


Mr Huang is a man with an indomitable spirit. At the age of 76 he can be found with a cigarette on his lip and a pallet of produce in his wiry grasp. Originally from Guangdong, Mr Huang takes us through a day in the life of one who is beginning to feel the weight of his years.


The film opens in the early of Melbourne’s inner-city, capturing the brief calm moments before the chaos. We see the sleeping giant rouse itself as stall after stall opens. A Prelap of Mr Huang proudly introducing us to his wares ease us into the place of the market. He introduces us to his co-workers, one of which offers a commentary on Mr Huang. We then see him sitting at home, responding to the comments made by co-worker which have been rephrased as a question.

He starts to talk about his past, and how he first arrived in Australia. This is done over b-roll of early photos of him and his family as they grow up. He indicates the people in the picture by name, also pointing out where they currently are.

We segue by way of the aforementioned introductions to another co-worker, this time a younger family member, who explains the issues the family faces. They also begin to talk about Mr Huang, and introduce CONFLICT. CONFLICT is brought up with Mr Huang, who explains the origin of the CONFLICT as well as how the CONFLICT worked out, if it did.

He also mentions potential FUTURE CONFLICT. Family member speaks to this effect, but hopefully leaves on a positive note regarding both the stall and the families’ future


Date Time Work Members
12th JAN


2.00pm Pitch/Proposal #1

(Division of jobs)

All Group Members
13th JAN


5.30am Observational Filming #1

(Early morning market shot)

Jack, Meg
14th JAN


10am Pitch/Proposal #2

(Group Discussion)

All Group Members
15th JAN


10am Interview #1

(Get in touch with Mr Huang and his family in QVM)

Jack, Jenny, Lydia, Denise
18th JAN


10am Interview #2

(Interview Mr Huang at his home)

All Group Members
20th JAN


10am Observational Filming #2

(Mr Huang’s store and QVM)

Jack, Jenny, Even, Meg, Denise
22rd JAN


10am Observational Filming #3

(Mr Huang’s store and QVM)

Jack, Jenny, Even, Meg, Lydia
23rd JAN


10am Editing #1 All Group Members
26th JAN


     Australia Day
28th JAN


10am Editing #2
29th JAN


10am Editing #3
3rd Feb


10am Editing #4 All Group Members
4th Feb


10am SFX.etc
5th Feb


10am Rough-cut(draft) All Group Members
6th Feb


10am Fine-cut All Group Members