Recording Place Log #4

Second week

First lesson of second week we focused on observational filming, audio and group formation. Observational filming allows viewers to reach whatever conclusions they may deduce. In the mini lecture on Tuesday, we learned about how the shot was establishing and how it was framed. Each establishing shot has its own meaning or story to the audiences. Audio plays a significant role in documentary. In the class, Rohan taught us how to use an external microphone and how to check the sound wave on the camera. He gave us some tips on making the sound be clearer and get the best sound for the film. Lastly, we were asked to form a group by choosing the topics that we liked. I was staying with the same topic of Mr. Huang which I discovered last week and I was group with Even, Meg, Jack, Denise and Lydia.

Our documentary is about a Chinese worker who is aged 76 and is still selling vegetables in QVM. We want to establish his story in our film. During the lunch break, we approached to Mr. Huang and told him that we were be going to film him for the next couple of weeks. It was so thankful that he was really welcoming us to film him and I was so happy to group with my lovely team members.

On Thursday, our class was focusing on the interview technique. Rohan gave us some tips such as we have to use clip-on microphone when we are doing interviewing to give a better sound and instead of “oh” “yea” sound we have to give the facial expression to make the viewers won’t feel uncomfortable when they are watching the film. For the rest of the time, our team decided to do our proposal and discuss about out further plan.