Recording Place Log #2

Second Lesson/Filming at QVM

Starting off the second class of the studio we had an aesthetic standards discussion. The lecture was truly beneficial to me where I learned a lot about how to adjust exposure, white balance, focus, camera movement and use of tripod. It was my first time using the Sony x200 camera which I wasn’t familiar with. Therefore, it was a great experience for me. After discussing about the camera, we were divided into groups to walk down to the Queen Victoria Market to take 10 establishing shots from outside of the market. Working as a groups made me learn a lot from my mates. Initially, I had totally no idea how to adjust the camera, and my mates were so helpful teaching me step by step. We took turn each time to let everyone has a try on the camera. The exercise was truly challenging because it was 37℃ on that day and everyone was really hot and tired. After an hour, we finally finished our shots and logging to the computer.

After the lunch break, we went back in class and had a discussion about our observational for PB1. Every classmate shared about their interesting stories they observed in the market and we were asked to have a blind vote on choosing the 3 ideas that we would like to work on. I first chose my own idea of Mr. Huang who was at a retired age but still working hard in the market. After looking at Mr. Huang, I wanted to know more about his story and make it into a documentary film. Secondly, I chose the Happy Neighbours. As trading next to each other, there must be so many interesting stories between each other. Lastly, I chose the The Lonely Eaters because I was always eating alone as well.