Final Reflection

  Time is really flying by. This semester has already come to the end. When I first came to the class, I had no idea what we were going to do for the course. But now, after twelve weeks, I am proud to say out”…

Keep the original files!!

For our project brief 4, the biggest problem we encountered was losing the original file. We first using Sony MC50 to record for the video essay and import the file directly to Adobe Premier Pro. We spent couple of hours editing and we decided to…

Week 12 – Initiative post

I was doing my research for my contextual studies of popular culture. I found out that due to social media’s feature of anonymity, people abuse this feature and one of its main disadvantage is Cyberbullying or spread of hate mails. Cyberbullying could be limited to…

Week 12 – workshop (Video Rough Cut)

I can’t believe that today is the last class for the semester. Time is flying by and I really like to thanks Brain for teaching us so much knowledge and giving as such productive lessons. In the class, we discussed with Brain about our video essay….

Editing Suite #17

We have spend days and days at this little tiny editing suite room 17. We had finished up our audio essay and the video essay is going to be finished as well. The editing suite was really a nice place for meeting as there were…

Week 11 – Initiative post

After reading lots of academic recourses, we decided to focus on the topic of Reality TV for our Project Brief 4. Unlike other shows such as news programs or documentary films, reality TV allows audiences to imagine themselves as actual participants.Reality television uses the narrative structures…

Week 11 – workshop (Audio Rough Cut)

Today, we showed our audio rough cut to Brain and he gave us some suggestions. More content in our audio essay. More academic resources. Make some change at the beginning. The form of audio essay can be more entertaining. The format for our audio essay…

Week 11 – Work Attachment

At the beginning of lecture this week, we had Rachel came to talk to us about our work attachments. It requires: 80 hours by the end of the semester in which you complete Media 6. Attachment workplace to qualify you must be supervised by a professional practitioner….

Week 10 – workshop

Today’s workshop, as the topic of Reality TV is too wide, we decided to narrow down to “Why do we tune into Reality TV?”. We had separated the part into three segment of audience, production and structure. We then work as a group to finish up the AV…

Week 10 – Institutions

Institutions is : term from sociology concern with organising structures of society social, cultural, political, economic relations principles, values, rules that underly these There are some example of institutions in the media industry: ABC The News Journalism Newscorp Cinema Broadcast Television Community Radio Public Service…