Week 6 – Initiative post

Being a human in 21st century, I found out that social media play in a significant role in our society. Social media has taken over the world like a storm. As more people in various distant parts of the world communicate and learn about the world…

Week 6 – Workshop

In today’s workshop, we received our marks back. I was really nervous to open the file. After getting the result, I felt a little bit disappointed. Reading at the feedback and I understood what was going wrong with my blog posts and what I had to…

Week 6 – Narrative

Part of our lecture today was about narrative structure. Narrative is a form of story. It is a way of telling an events and structuring meaning. The key elements of narrative or story, as following: Controlling idea Character Conflict Structure Character change/ growth One of the…

Week 6 – “Blogging” & “Noticing”

In today’s lecture, Rachel told us that they did not satisfied with our blog posts as we do not have enough posts. Sometimes I feel that I do not have enough time to do the blog posts but in fact, I actually do not know…

Week 5 – Sony MC50 Interview Exercise

What problems did you encounter? Firstly, we had overlooked the part of reaction from the interviewer. After went back to the class, we discussed with Brain and we had him to do a short part of reaction for the interview. Secondly, we decided to do…

Week 5 – Initiative post

Before interviewing for my project brief 3, I had done some research for preparation. I found a video by Ryan Spanger on YouTube where he introduced “how to interview someone on camera”. And here are some notes that I marked: We need to ask right…

Week 4 – H2N Sound Recording Exercise

For this sound recording exercise, we were in group of three interviewing each other. Personally, I think we did a better work for formal interview, because we were in a quite place and no one would disturb us. Hence, we could concentrate on our task…

Week 5 – workshop

For this week’s workshop, Brian gave us more time on our sound exercise instead of discussing the reading. He told us how to use Adobe Audition and gave us some technique on editing. Then, we had our spare time on editing the sound, and asking…

Week 5 – Textual analysis

Textual analysis is to find out what are the messages contained in the texts. Texts are everywhere in the media, such as films, TV shows, books, or music. Texts present as a vehicle of how the senders transferring meaning to the viewers. For any kind…

Week 5 – The Art of The Interview

We only left two weeks to do for out project brief 3 and I still had lots questions on how to do the interview. And thanks Louise for giving us a lecture on “the art of the interview” whilst I learned a lot after her lecture….