Week 5 – The Art of The Interview

We only left two weeks to do for out project brief 3 and I still had lots questions on how to do the interview. And thanks Louise for giving us a lecture on “the art of the interview” whilst I learned a lot after her lecture.

In the lecture, Louise discussed about how to ask question for interviewing. There were close-ended questions and open-ended question. Close-ended questions required short answer like yes or no while open-ended questions needed the time to think and answer in long sentences. We had to ask more open-ended questions when we interview others in result to get a better response. Otherwise if we only got the short response, the interview would be meaningless.

Louise also gave us a sense before interviewing. That’s who, what, when, where and why.

Who- Who is the interviewee? Are they credible? Who is the audience?

What- What are you going to ask them? We have to do research and practice before interviewing.

Where- Where are you going to do the interview? We have to think about the problems of lighting, sound, location and permission.

When- When you are interviewing your subject remember to listen carefully, stay focus at the interviewee and give eye contacts, be flexible, be respectful, and we have to give more chance for interviewee to speak.

Why- Why did I choose this interviewee? Why did I ask this question? Why did the interviewee give this response? And give ourself and overall of the interview.