Week 4 – “Sound”

This week’s topic for lecture and reading is “sound”. To begin of class, we discussed about media affordances which refers to the “specific and unique attributes that a medium may have”. Next we talked about the difference between “hearing” and “listening”. Hearing simply means sounds that just happened such as background noise. On the other hand, listening means we intentionally concentrate on the sound. Nowadays, this always happened in our daily lives, for example, the person is hearing at you but he or she may not actually listening on what you are saying.

Furthermore, there are four types of sounds:

  • Speech – narration, conversation
  • Music – recorded, live
  • Sounds – spot sounds, sound FX
  • Noise – unintended, disturbed

Sound plays a significant role in media, it shows the emotion in the audience and evokes the memories. This lecture really impacted on me as I didn’t understand much about sound in detail before and now I realised how important sound is. I’m looking forward to learn more about in workshop and in the future as well.