Project Brief 1 – Self Portrait


#1 – Taiwan


Firstly, let me introduce myself. I’m a 20-year-old girl from Taiwan. The passport completely could represent myself. The beef noodle in the background is one of the most popular food in Taiwan which I missed so much and yet I got to find the exact same taste in the city of Melbourne.

#2 – Dad


As being alone in Melbourne, I do really miss my family very much, especially my dad who is my role model. Dad is being busy all the time, it is hard for us to get time seeing each other. Therefore, I always bring his photo around with me, just like he is together with me and giving me power.

#3 – My little space


This is a little space for me at my house. Usually I spent most of the time here, doing my homework, reading books, and watching movies at this little but warm space. The Olaf toy in the picture is my favourite toy which I bring it everywhere that I went.

#4 – Cooking


Cooking is the most enjoyable activities at home for me. The first thing I do when I wake up is to think the menu of the day. I truly love to cook (and eat as well).

#5 – Fashion


There are only black and white in my fashion sense as these two colours are the easiest way to dress up with other accessories.

#6 – Travel


“It’s better to see something once than to hear about it a thousand times.” Travelling is now a part of my life. I started to travel when I was 17 and I had collected these air tickets for 3 years. The most pleasing part in travelling are to know about other countries’ culture and to meet different friends during the trips.


#1 – The way to school

The video shows the way to school everyday that I passed. The beautiful view inspiring me to work hard in the school.

#2 – Gym

I hated exercise when I was young but now I love to go gym everyday. Exercising is not only getting you fit for your body but also clearing your mind for a fresh start.

#3 – Market

The most terrifying thing for me is to be alone. Therefore, I like to be together with the crowd or hang out with friends. Queen Victoria Market is a lovely place to go. People down there are just so friendly and I always get the discount from the owner.


#1 – Cooking

As I said, I really enjoy in cooking. This audio file was recored this morning when I tried to fry an egg.

#2 – Raining

Some people may think that rain make you sick but not for me. I love the rain. It makes me feel fresh and alive. When the rain came, I always rest my brain and just listen to the rain sound.

#3 – Tram

Tram is the most convenient transportation in the city of Melbourne. Before I came to Melbourne, I have never taken a tram before because I think the map is so complicated and I always being lost in the direction. Well, now I know, taking tram is just so easy and convenient.


“In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

Acts 20:35

I took this text from the Bible which is also the motto of myself. Since I was young, my mother always told me not to only receive from others, but you have to pay back more what you got. Everyone do have their tough time, as well we do. When the time you meet the difficulty, and someone give you a hand, wouldn’t you be so thankful to those people who help you? Therefore, I try to give what I have to those people who are in need and I always feel so happy when they give me back a smile 🙂